Saturday, April 27, 2013

Party Pictures -Post 2

Who can get enough of First Birthdays?  Mommy had half of the pictures on her phone and the other on her camera so here are some more! I went for my year check up and like the other two, I'm on the petite side.  I was barely on the curve! Oh well, I'm growing and happy.  I didn't get shots because I had an ear infection and with my allergies they wanted to be careful which shots they give me so we will see.  I'm not in any hurry for those things anyway! Stay tuned for some fun cake shots my mom tried to do as she likes to pretend to be a photographer some times. 
This is my first birthday poster.  Mama did one for all of the kids

My baseball birthday cupcakes, yummy!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Happy Birthday -Post 1

"Wow, one already!"  I have been hearing a lot of that lately and how the last year flew by!  I have turned into such a fun, happy, easy going baby.  I love to play peek-a-boo, catch, and watch my big brother and sister.  Last week I was literally knocking on their closed door!  I can wave, say "Hi", and even point my pointer finger (to say I'm 1!) This week I tried milk for the first time and I love it, which is no surprise.  I still eat just about everything and love my cups.  I had a wonderful celebration with family from Spokane and my Papa Bob was even home!  I'm one blessed little boy!
My milk!

Ready for nap

Just a mini photo session

Sam helped me with my presents and was so good!

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Spring

Yesterday I celebrated my first Easter.  We all remembered last year at this time I was preparing to enter this world!  Happy Easter to you!  This past week I have been enjoying some new things such as the grass, wagon rides, swings, and some other outdoor adventures.  I love being outside, but I have to say that I do not enjoy the grass.  It feels funny and pokey and just plain different!! 

Help mom!  Get me off this grass!

Reading books with sissy  before school last week

I love beans!  This was a night of 3 bean chili,  Yum-Mmy!!

A fancy new hat.  Too bad I won't keep it on for too long.

I ate all my dinner, I swear!

Happy Easter!

Yummy popsicle!  Trying to cool off!