Saturday, September 1, 2012

4 months

I guess 4 months has come and gone but we haven't been so good about this blog, sorry.  My doctor decided to put me on some acid reflux medicine and I have been happier this past week, with much less crying around here.  I'm working on some teeth and love to cram everything I can get my hands on into my mouth.  I'm not rolling around yet but am sure loved by my older brother and sister.  I'm getting extra loves from my sissy because she knows she is off to school in 3 short days.  I really love my morning snuggles with her while my mama gets things ready.  We are all going to miss her.  Anyway, here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
I had to wear this shirt the day my brother and sister went out crabbing with daddy and papa

Not too crabby here

Sissy helping crack the crab.  She did awesome!

One of our blackberry picking adventures

Too bright, I was in the stroller enjoying a ride (I love being outside!)

I just had to show off my bald beautiful head.  With a combination of scratching and washing, all my cradle cap pulled out my hair.  Oh well, it will grow back.  I just look like a monk in training! 

Sissy and brother.  I will be in these pictures soon!!

Lily showing us her flamingo from the Farmer's Market

And Sam with his giraffe

I feel asleep on the way home.  Drool coming out of both sides of my mouth!

My handsome brother with his cool spikes. Guess he is the only boy in the family with hair!