Sunday, July 8, 2012

Busy Weekend!

We had a beautiful weekend here in Bellingham with lots of wonderful events.  We kicked it off Friday at a wedding, two in two weeks!!  Lovin' the love!  Auntie Joanie was here to celebrate Lily's birthday and we had a party on Saturday with some of her little girl friends.  Check her blog soon for more on the fairy extravaganza!  We had another birthday party on Sunday.  I'm approaching 3 months, actually 12 weeks today so I'm on my way to happy baby stage.  Enjoy the pictures!

Lily caught a beautiful butterfly at Grandma and Papa's house.  She was soo excited!

A little tummy time with my brother

Auntie always brings the most fun toys and games, this was a hit!

Lily shares her balloons with me so I have something to look at while I stretch out on the floor

Wedding time!  They had neat little snack bags the kids enjoyed.

Hanging out with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. They are fun!

Weddings are exhausting!

We love this picture.  Lily and Sam made a little friend and they had so much fun playing together.


The beautiful bride and groom!

Sissy with the beautiful bride.  Congratulations Mrs. Stone!!
On our way home from the wedding we saw this guy.  We drove back and forth and he just stared at us.  We loved it!