Monday, June 18, 2012

2 Months

I had my check up and shots last Wednesday and I weighed in at 11.5 pounds and measured 21 1/2 " long.  I had a few shots but recovered quickly with no side effects.  I am sleeping extremely well at night for a two month old but as you know this could change day to day, month to month, but we are all thankful at the moment.

My brother and sister was very excited to see my shots (or where I got my shots).  Sam of course had to poke my poor thighs.
Hanging out with sissy.  She loves to hold me when I'm awake and most of the time I'm happy about it.
Love her!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8 Weeks

I guess I should update this tomorrow since I will get all my stats, but mama is taking advantage of an evening with my brother and sister playing outside.  Yes, I have the dreaded 2 month appointment tomorrow with shots, wish me luck!  I like my carseat and enjoy hanging out in the Ergo (front carrier mama wears) when we go places.  I started smiling recently along with the adorable baby "talking."  We had a fun playdate this week where I met a friend who is just a few days younger than I am.  I think my brother has some pictures to share of that on his blog.  Here are some smiles to make you smile!

Ok, a few binkie shots before the smiles.  I like that thing but have really been trying to find my thumb this week but it just won't stay where I want it!

I think my sissy messed with the setting on mama's phone camera, hence the bright photos here